Toby Keith – Don’t Let the Old Man In

Toby Keith Performs "Don’t Let the Old Man In" at the 2023 People's Choice Country Awards | NBC

“Don’t Let the Old Man In” is a poignant song by Toby Keith that has garnered significant attention for its introspective lyrics and inspiration.

Release Date: December 7, 2018

Background and Inspiration

“Don’t Let the Old Man In” was inspired by a conversation Toby Keith had with Clint Eastwood, the renowned actor and filmmaker. During the discussion, Eastwood mentioned that he was about to start a new film project, The Mule, at the age of 88. When Keith asked him how he managed to keep going, Eastwood replied, “I just get up every morning and go out. And I don’t let the old man in.” This statement struck a chord with Keith, prompting him to write the song as a tribute to maintaining a youthful spirit and not succumbing to the challenges of aging.

Lyrics Overview

The lyrics of “Don’t Let the Old Man In” reflect the theme of fighting the inevitability of aging by keeping a positive, active, and youthful mindset. The song conveys a message of resilience and determination to live life fully, regardless of age.

Don’t let the old man inI wanna leave this aloneCan’t leave it up to himHe’s knocking on my door
And I knew all of my lifeThat someday it would endGet up and go outsideDon’t let the old man in
Many moons I have livedMy body’s weathered and wornAsk yourself how would you beIf you didn’t know the day you were born
Try to love on your wifeAnd stay close to your friendsToast each sundown with wineDon’t let the old man in
Many moons I have livedMy body’s weathered and wornAsk yourself how would you beIf you didn’t know the day you were born
When he rides up on his horseAnd you feel that cold bitter windLook out your window and smileDon’t let the old man in
Look out your window and smileDon’t let the old man in


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